North West Essex

GBG and PotY Selection

Good Beer Guide Pub Selection Process

At the October or November Branch Meeting, a long list of candidate pubs is formed from:
a) current GBG entries,
b) pubs with an NBSS average score of 3.5 or above, and
c) recommendations from active members of the branch.

The GBG long list is then slimmed down by:
a) removing pubs that are not eligible for the GBG (for what ever reason),
b) by agreement, removing pubs with a suspicious NBSS average score (eg. too many individual scores of 5),
c) by agreement, removing pubs with an NBSS average score that was derived from a single score,
d) removing pubs with reports (from active members of the branch) of inconsistent beer quality or service, and
e) by agreement, removing pubs with reports (from active members of the branch) of unsuitable décor or atmosphere.

Active members of the branch visit the candidate GBG pubs, and at each Branch Meeting the list of candidate pubs is slimmed down by removing pubs with inconsistent beer quality or service. Further candidate pubs can be added to the list if necessary, but only where there is more than one recommendation from active members of the branch. The final decisions are taken at the March Branch Meeting, where geographic spread, community focus and special interest are taken into account. Where necessary, two pubs are pitted against each other for inclusion, and a vote taken.

Prior to publication, only those members who attend the March Branch Meeting know the final GBG selection and reserves.

Pub of the Year Selection Process

At the December or January Branch Meeting, a long list of candidate pubs is formed from the GBG short list using the following criteria:
a) pubs with an NBSS score of 4 or above (scored during the GBG selection process), and
b) pubs where there is more than one recommendation from active members of the branch.

The Branch PotY long list is then slimmed down by removing pubs with reports (from active members of the branch) of inconsistent beer quality or service.

If necessary (if the list is not short enough for final judging), active members of the branch visit candidate PotY pubs, and at the next Branch Meeting the list of candidate pubs is slimmed down further by removing pubs with inconsistent beer quality or service, or unsuitable décor or atmosphere. Further candidate pubs can be added to the list if necessary, but only where there is a significant number of recommendations from active members of the branch.

For final judging, active members of the branch visit the candidate PotY pubs on the short list, and use the national judging criteria to score, and then rank the pubs. Rankings are to be submitted to the Branch Pub Campaigns Coordinator prior to the March Branch Meeting for collation. If for whatever reason, the submitted rankings are not sufficient to produce a winner, a final vote will be taken at the March Branch Meeting where only members who have visited candidate pubs are eligible to vote. If there's a draw, a second vote is taken for the pubs that drew.

Prior to announcement, only those members who attend the March Branch Meeting know the chosen Branch Pub of the Year. The public announcement is normally made shortly after the pub has been informed, which is normally within a week of the decision.